Monday, May 3, 2010

Illegal Immigration.

I have to say I’m torn about the illegal immigration debate in Arizona and here’s why. One half says, “they are illegal immigrants” period. Meaning they came to the United States illegally, to live, work, have a better life, for whatever reason. But why not do it legally then? It’s like living in a house with open doors and windows and someone decides to sneak in, eat your food, sleep, etc. without your permission. Would you let them stay? Probably not. Unfortunately it seems the United States has always had an issue with illegal immigration and the connection to civil rights. And that is where my other half comes in.

Illegal immigrants, regardless if they are here illegally from Mexico or here illegally from another continent entirely, they are still human. And as humans we have rights. But the question still remains though, if you are in a country illegally, should you have the same rights or similar rights as the citizens? Where is the line drawn?

While doing research, and believe me there is a lot, I found quite a few people to be in favor of the Arizona law. Stating that regardless if an illegal immigrant seems to be a law abiding “citizen”, they are still illegally living in this country, which is…..illegal. And yes, while immigration should be on the federal level, clearly Arizona, felt the government is not doing enough.

Even after reading and doing more and more research I’m still on the fence, but probably more on the side of the fence that the United States does need to be in more control of the illegal immigration issue. I’m not necessarily saying Arizona’s law is right, because the law seems to be pretty broad, so that racial profiling is almost a given, but it's still a start, and it seems like a start in the right direction of gaining control.


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Hi Citizens Post! Your most recent blog caught my attention by saying that you’re on the fence. I have no argument (not that I like to argue) to discuss if you’re open and honest enough to say that you’re not sure WHAT side you would choose. Fortunately, when I read what the different sides look like to you, it is easy for me to distinguish which side I would be on.

    As you stated, you have one side who says, “illegal immigrants are illegal, period;” and then you have the other side who says, “but they are still human.” I give you credit for asking where the line should be drawn, though I apologize if I go on a little rant.

    There are several humans who have or are doing illegal things. The men and women behind bars, the drunk drivers, the drug traffickers,….etc. None of these people have to be illegal immigrants for a legal U.S. citizen to say that they DO NOT deserve the equal rights that a legal, law abiding citizen deserves. Illegal immigrants broke our laws the minute they stepped into our country. They are NOT covered by our U.S. Constitution because they don’t belong here in the first place!

    No matter how nice, conservative, or useful an illegal immigrant may be in the U.S., they came here illegally and therefore should be treated as an unlawful individual. Can you imagine crossing over to another country and EXPECTING their acceptance? Or even better, EXPECTING your home to be paid for, your food to be bought, and a job waiting for you? No! It’s ludicrous to even THINK about trying to ask for what the illegal immigrants ask from us.

    I had a fellow student of ours reply to my latest post regarding this issue. I posted an editorial review on Following my response, she actually had the nerve to suggest that instead of sending the illegal immigrants BACK to Mexico, that we should help Mexico create a country like we have done for ourselves. So not only is she asking that we not punish illegal’s for what they have already done, she thinks we should shell out more money to make their country better!

    One of the biggest arguments I have heard for those asking our country to accept the illegal immigrants, is that they are willing to perform the job tasks that we are not. I think that in itself is an easy excuse for us to sit back and let whoever wants to come into our country, cross the border and have no repercussions waiting for them. I have no doubt that there are PLENTY of people willing to do the jobs that the illegal immigrants are doing right now.

    If you actually tally up the amount of money an illegal immigrants makes while in the U.S., including the tax dollars that a U.S. citizen would have to pay out of that amount but an illegal immigrant is not required to, and then ADD the amount of free services an illegal somehow deserves that a struggling U.S. citizen does not, WE ARE LOSING MONEY BY HAVING THEM HERE. THEY ARE DRAINING US OF JOBS, USING OUR TAX DOLLARS, AND GETTING AWAY WITH BREAKING OUR LAWS.

    I apologize for my rant, I figured this would happen. I’ll wrap this up nicely and say, “GO ARIZONA!!”

  3. In A Citizen's Post, I recently read about her thoughts and views on illegal immigration. I enjoyed reading her post and getting an insight on how other people view illegal immigration. The first word in the title is "illegal", meaning prohibited by the law. So that right there shows that illegal immigration is not right, there is nothing about it that makes it okay. I do have a heart and sympathy for people that do not have the greatest lives and want to make them better. However I lose that sympathy when the way out of their bad life is committing an illegal and federal crime to make it better. That is not the answer, there are other LEGAL ways they can go about.
    There are currently 22,786,364 illegal aliens in our country. More than half of that number is from Mexico. So I 100% support Arizona's attempt to reduce this number and put a stop to illegal immigration. When the federal attempts fail to succeed, more power to the states to try and take care of such a HUGE problem!

    Did you know that the CIA reports that the Mexican unemployment rate was recently only 4%, lower than 150 other countries and lower than the unemployment rate of the United States? Mexico is home to the richest man in the world, has nine billionaires and has more millionaires than Germany.

    With those statistics, I have a hard time believing that America is the answer to their problems. I love to help, but I do not love to help people that do not deserve it and end up hurting our country. I do not mean to sound cold hearted here, but I cannot find one single good thing about illegal immigration. This problem needs to be fixed!
