In blog “Gay Marriage Being Counted in the Census Bureau,” fellow blogger Danielle is adamant of her opposition of same-sex marriages, not just that the Census Bureau is recognizing same-sex couples on the 2010 Census.
Same-sex couples being able to be counted as a “married” couple, conservatives, including Danielle, state this is just another step towards “redefining marriage.” What I have a hard time grasping is why is “redefining marriage” wrong? Danielle quotes this portion of our pledge of allegiance “one nation under God” and continues on with “God created marriage to be man with women.” But what about the bible commending slavery? Our Constitution in 1865 was amended “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude….shall exist within the United States….” So because it is commended in the bible, that is okay? Obviously not, because I couldn’t imagine anyone today being “for” slavery regardless what the book teaches us.
Over many decades, people of our country have overcome so much, it saddens me that even with such groundbreaking events, such as the end of slavery and segregation, all U.S. citizens granted the option to vote regardless of “race, color, sex or previous condition,” and electing a non-Caucasian president (and very close to electing a female one too), that there is still such opposition when it comes to same-sex couples (and even abortion).
I agree only with Danielle’s statement “people do have the freedom to love whoever,” but in my opinion they should also have the freedom to be counted just like everyone else, because they are a part of this country just like everyone else. Same-sex couples pay taxes, serve in our military and vote, so they too deserve equality, just like the slaves did, just like women and African-Americans did when we they were granted the right to vote and just like African-Americans did when they were allowed to sit at the front of a bus and attend “all white” schools, and just like when it became a woman’s right to choose.
Same-sex couples being able to be counted as a “married” couple, conservatives, including Danielle, state this is just another step towards “redefining marriage.” What I have a hard time grasping is why is “redefining marriage” wrong? Danielle quotes this portion of our pledge of allegiance “one nation under God” and continues on with “God created marriage to be man with women.” But what about the bible commending slavery? Our Constitution in 1865 was amended “neither slavery nor involuntary servitude….shall exist within the United States….” So because it is commended in the bible, that is okay? Obviously not, because I couldn’t imagine anyone today being “for” slavery regardless what the book teaches us.
Over many decades, people of our country have overcome so much, it saddens me that even with such groundbreaking events, such as the end of slavery and segregation, all U.S. citizens granted the option to vote regardless of “race, color, sex or previous condition,” and electing a non-Caucasian president (and very close to electing a female one too), that there is still such opposition when it comes to same-sex couples (and even abortion).
I agree only with Danielle’s statement “people do have the freedom to love whoever,” but in my opinion they should also have the freedom to be counted just like everyone else, because they are a part of this country just like everyone else. Same-sex couples pay taxes, serve in our military and vote, so they too deserve equality, just like the slaves did, just like women and African-Americans did when we they were granted the right to vote and just like African-Americans did when they were allowed to sit at the front of a bus and attend “all white” schools, and just like when it became a woman’s right to choose.
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