Monday, February 15, 2010

I think I'm the only non-tweeter....

On a weekly basis, I've pretty much convinced myself I'm the last person on earth that doesn't tweet. This week is no exception. When searching for articles over the weekend, this headline was screaming "read me!", "Now Tweeting: White House press secretary Gibbs." My first thought? Yep, I'm still really the last person who doesn't tweet. (

I know you're probably asking yourself, out of all the articles and editorials out there, I chose one on tweeting, but think about it, how cool is it that our press secretary, Robert Gibbs, has joined the 21st century and become a tweeter?

What got Gibbs tweeting? According to the article, Gibbs was watching a twitter feed while the President visited a briefing room last week. Gibbs was fascinated "to watch and see what people were thinking, doing and writing." So he created an account that day and posted his first tweet, "Learning about 'the twitter' - easing into this with first tweet - any tips?"

On the White House website, there is already an option to sign up to have messages sent directly to you from top administration officials, however this is just another channel of keeping communication lines open.

According to the article, Gibbs already has more than 6,200 followers. I may just have to take the plunge and be a fellow tweeter and follow Gibbs' tweets. Will you?

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